School Organisation
Parents and School
The following information shows how parents/carers can participate in the life of the school and help their children develop to their full potential throughout this important period of their lives.
Situated at Hallfold, Whitworth, St Bartholomew's has been a primary school since 1994. The school moved from Lloyd Street to its' present location and is very much a christian school in the community.
The school is a one-form entry mixed primary, currently taking up to 25 children in each year group.
In the school building and grounds we are continuing to develop:
A community library
A multi functional hall (available for hire)
Opportunities for the teaching and learning of music
Separate infant and junior playgrounds
Positive playing equipment
Seed to feed areas
A wildlife section
Various other "outside classroom" aspects to enhance the curriculum
Whitworth Children's Centre is ajoined to the school building to deliver a range of services for the community.
Throughout the year there are many activities for family and friends to participate in.
Visitors to our friendly school are extremely welcome - why not come and see us.