St Bartholomew's CE Primary

Considerate, Co-operative, Confident

Mrs Livsey - Class Teacher

Miss Watkins - Teaching Assistant


P.E. is taught on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 

Please make sure your child attends school in their PE uniform on this day.

PE Uniform - Black jogging bottoms, shorts or leggings, a white t-shirt, school jumper or cardigan and trainers or pumps. 


Reading books must be brought into school daily. The children are responsible for changing their own books. The progress of the children is monitored and they will be assessed and change book levels throughout the year.


Times Table Rock Stars and Spelling Shed logins are stuck into your child's reading journal. Please try to spend some time each week practising these. Remember, little and often is far better than a huge session. 

As ever, if you have any problems, worries or questions please don't hesitate to contact me!

Best wishes,

Mrs Livsey

Carol Singing

We've been spreading some 'Year 5 Christmas Cheer' by carol singing around Whitworth this month. Here are some photographs from our visits to Sunnyside Day Care Centre, Gleeson Homes and the Stronger Together group at The Ashcroft. 

Parliament Week

As part of National Parliament Week, Year 5 were invited to the Council Chambers at The Ashcroft. We met the Mayor and the councillors and asked some very important questions about the things that impact us in Whitworth - for example, the traffic lights!

Persuasive TV Broadcasts

As the grand finale to our learning on Sutton Hoo, we have written some amazing persuasive leaflets. This morning we wrote introductions and outros as if we were presenting a travel show, then performed to the rest of the class. They were extremely entertaining!

Whitworth Library

We spent a lovely morning down at Whitworth Library, discussing all the authors we enjoy reading, and finding out about what the library service has to offer. After completing a book quiz, we chose a few books to enjoy at home with our new library cards. 

Typography Tyrants!

During our Art lessons this half term, we have been looking at a range of typography styles; from computerised kinetic typography to the Marauder's Map from Harry Potter. We have practised designing our own typefaces to make different words. Can you tell what they say? 

 Anglo Saxon Settlements

What a fun learning experience we had this afternoon building our Anglo Saxon settlements! We applied our research to ensure our villages were placed near water supplies, we kept livestock and had plenty of buildings for the Anglo Saxons to work and live in.