St Bartholomew's CE Primary

Considerate, Co-operative, Confident

The Year 1 teachers are:

Mrs Richens & Mrs Nuttall 

The Year 1 teaching assistant is:

 Mrs Wadsworth 


We have PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


Children should bring in their reading books everyday and they will be changed on Wednesdays

If you have any problems or questions do not hesitate to contact us!

Autumn Term 

Over the last few weeks, the children have been settling into Year 1. They have taken part in lots of fun activities including  learning and acting out traditional tales; using the laptops in our ICT sessions; harvesting plums from our forest school and turning them into plum crumble and using lots of different media such as pastels and charcoal to create spiral artwork.

In Autumn 2, we have been learning about the Great fire of London. We were lucky to receive a visit from the Fire Service. We told them all the information we had learnt about the Great fire of London and how it spread so quickly. We also talked about how the fire was put out. In return, the firefighters showed us how they put fires out and other tools they use to help people in an emergency. 

Spring Term

In Spring 2, we have been learning about healthy eating in DT and writing instructions in our English lessons. We tried lots of nice fruits, designed and made a fruit smoothie and wrote instructions of how to make fruit salad which we then designed and made.