St Bartholomew's CE Primary

Considerate, Co-operative, Confident

Autumn TERM 

Year 5 - Homework


Welcome to the Year 5 web page.

On this page you will lots of information about the class and the work we are doing. Each Friday we also be putting on the homework, which will mainly be work done online.

If you have any concerns or issues please feel free to email us

Best wishes from Mrs Dawson, Miss Mather, and Miss Thomson. 



Please bear in mind that there will be times when these links / sites are not working due to the high demand from all school children and teachers. 





This week your homework has been set on Education City in the 'Year Five Homework 2020-2021' city. You can also find last weeks homework there too if you had problems logging on last week. Please complete this for Tuesday.

You have also got your spelling assignment set on spelling shed.

Don't forget some of our other websites you can use too:


Education city

Purple mash

Times table rockstars

Maths shed

Daily 10