SUMMER TERM -WEEK 11-Reception - Working At HomeFrom 6th July 2020 |
Hello Reception! As you can see the home learning page looks a little different this week. There's a week of Literacy lessons to download as well as maths activities for you to complete. A great website for you to access is . It has lots of lessons linked to all areas of learning. You can choose activities that are of interest to you.
If you have any questions or problems, please email:
Have a good week. I look forward to hearing from you.
Take care
Mrs Connor
Something to talk about!
What am I?
I am in the kitchen.
I am usually used in the morning.
I make toast.
Quote of the day
Children have a full time occupation.
It's called play!
Photo gallery
Get Active!
Young people should be active for 60 minutes per day, so if possible find a safe place to get outside (even in the garden!) and play! There are also some great online sites that encourage active learning to music. In school we use;