SUMMER TERM -WEEK 9-Reception - Working At HomeFrom 22nd June 2020 |
Hello Reception! As you can see the home learning page looks a little different this week. There's a week of Literacy lessons to download as well as maths activities for you to complete. A great website for you to access is . It has lots of lessons linked to all areas of learning. You can choose activities that are of interest to you.
If you have any questions or problems, please email:
Have a good week. I look forward to hearing from you.
Take care
Mrs Connor
Something to talk about!
What am I?
I am in the kitchen.
I have lots of food inside me.
I keep food cold.
Quote of the day
Dreams don't work unless you do.
Photo gallery
Get Active!
Young people should be active for 60 minutes per day, so if possible find a safe place to get outside (even in the garden!) and play! There are also some great online sites that encourage active learning to music. In school we use;