St Bartholomew's CE Primary

Considerate, Co-operative, Confident


Reception - Working At Home

From 27th April 2020

Hello reception.  Hope you’re all happy and well.  Mrs Shepherd and I are missing you so much.  Below is another week of home learning activities for you complete.  The maths activities are all about recognising numbers and counting.  It really important that you can count backwards from 20 as well as forwards.  This You tube video will help you become more confident at counting backwards.  It would be great if you could listen to it every day this week.

I’ve also had a look at the BBC Bitesize website .  It looks like there’s nothing for reception aged children, however, if you click on England KS1 section, reception children will be able to access a lot of the games.  The phonics games in the English section are quite fun to do, and ‘Bud’s number garden’ in the maths the section is all about sequencing numbers.  Have a go!

  If you have any questions or problems, please email:

 Have a lovely week.  I look forward to seeing what you’ve been doing. 

Take care

Mrs Connor 


Something to talk about!


Would you rather live underwater or live in outer space?  Why?


Quote of the day


No act of kindness, no matter how small,

is ever wasted. 



Photo gallery 





Useful Websites


 Some useful websites for you to look at. 


Get Active!


Young people should be active for 60 minutes per day, so if possible find a safe place to get outside (even in the garden!) and play!  There are also some great online sites that encourage active learning to music.  In school we use;