St Bartholomew's CE Primary

Considerate, Co-operative, Confident

SPRING TERM 2021 - Year 3

Week 4


Welcome to Year 3

Please find below a suggested timetable weekly home learning timetable. The learning will be a variety of activities and will consist of Oak Academy lessons, BBC Bitesize, TATE for Kids, paper-pack/CGP Books and Stream videos (I will provide more information about this on Monday). Please follow the links on the timetable.

If you find it difficult to stick to the timetable please don't worry - please try to focus on the Maths and English work. 

If you have any problems please feel free to email me on

Thank you.

Miss Kitchin and Miss Heslop

To access the Stream videos set for each lesson, log on to stream (via Microsoft Office) using your child's email address and password, which will be provided on Monday, and click on the video group Year 3. You need to select the videos tab to show all the videos in that group, then you be able to click on the relevant video for that lesson.

If you have any questions, or need more support with this, please send me an email to the address above. 

Examples of our work can be found below the timetable.

Rossendale 21 minute challenge



Customised Star of the Week Stickers | 35 per sheet | 37mm

Well done Miles!

As well as the work set on the timetable,

activities can be accessed on the following websites:

Purple mash

Times table rockstars

Maths shed

Spelling Shed 

BBC Bitesize

BBC Bitesize are now providing daily Maths, English, Science and various foundation subject lessons each day! These are targeted at individual year groups and follow the curriculum that we teach in school. Check them out at


The Oak National Academy

The Oak National Academy has set up an online learning classroom at 

By selecting 'subject', you will be able to filter lessons for specific year groups including a range of Maths, English and foundation subjects lessons.

Some of the work we have done during Lockdown 3

Isabelle's fantastic collage
Isabelle's fantastic collage
Daisy's Beautiful Collage
Daisy's Beautiful Collage


Welcome to Year 3

You will find information about the work we have been doing. Each Friday, updated homework instructions will appear, which will be completed online.

If you have any problems please feel free to email me on

Thank you.

Miss Kitchin and Miss Heslop